Dear Dear Lifers,
So lately some new fat cells have been coming to party with my old fat cells and my once baggy pants have becoming increasingly more snug. I have a feeling my clothes aren't spontaneously shrinking but instead my rump is expanding. Dang it.
I have no one to blame but myself (and burritos and bakeries).
So in the dieting world they say that it is beneficial to tell others you are dieting. It holds one accountable and then there is a sense of shame and embarrassment if you don't succeed. So here I am, proclaiming to literally run my ass off and eat lots of carrots (and I needed to stop saying "I'll start tomorrow" and then eating a donut). And I'm sure this whole hellish experience of using more energy than I put into my body will provide for some entertaining entries.
On that note, I just made a playlist for my run. Why is it that my impeccable taste in music goes sailing out the window the moment I make a working out playlist (which is entitled "Run My Ass Off, Literally")? All the terrible pop and rap in my iTunes somehow leaps right onto the list. At least I'm bound to get a few spelling lessons from Ferg.
Please point and laugh at my cellulite if I don't succeed,
M in SF
Dear M in SF,
If you didn't live so far away (30 minutes up the peninsula is uber-far-- wait, SF means San Francisco and not Santa Fe, right??) I'd suggest that we become running buddies. I too need to lose some of this weight that's crept upon my body and they say that having a partner helps with the motivation angle.
Anyway, good luck to you (and me!).
oooo sometimes I am in Palo Alto. Possibly weekend runs?? I need to get out of this fog and under some sun anyways...
Maybe a possibility???
M in SF
Definitely a possibility; I could get myself to Palo Alto with little difficulty. I've heard that running at Stanford is good motivation (some rumor about hot dudes, but I have my doubts).
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