Dear Being Downsized,

I felt pretty badass being escorted around and out of the building this afternoon after my job was eliminated due to the company being in the crapper. I was going to be mad about coming in for a meeting with my boss ("Hey, could you do me a favor and come in for a meeting with me on Wednesday?") on my day off, but I guess the perpetual vacay makes up for it. And getting a mini-severance (2 weeks pay) while being part-time (28hrs/week) is nothing to sneeze at. Or at least worthy of a tissue. And you made the point it had nothing to do with my performance...four times I counted, so maybe you felt bad. Or it's business. Whatever. And I guess it makes sense it was at noon because nobody I work with regularly was there, and if they were, they were at lunch. But it did kind of suck being blindsided by not meeting with my boss at all- but her boss, the GM of the station, and some lady from corporate. After last month's meeting about the state of the company, the hostile
takeover, and the 'rumor' of killing weekend morning news to save money (a rumor no one heard), I sort of homed in on what was going down. And unfortunately Yung Joc was not involved. Great timing, after being blown off by Elon last week.

On the brightside, I don't have to wake up at 3am anymore, or work weekends. And now have a reason to get blasted.

Dear somebody else, hire me.

Dan in NC

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