Dear Unexpected Evening with Friends,

Amidst 5 days of exhausting work, 2 hours of driving every morning and afternoon, 19 idiots who not only could care less, but they also know less, and a last-second margarita visit we find a conversation of laughter, connection, understanding, deep intellect and coy sarcasm abound. Where did you come from? Right about now I need that poem about 'Footprints' and lasting marks on our lives...damn Internet, can't find anything when you want it...

Thanks to the participants/friends that helped make this "comet sighting" a reality. You all rock and deserve the best out of life.

Thanks especially to the newest of friends, A! There's something about you that is simply unexplainable yet absolutely wonderful! Remember to be as picky as you want to be because you are the only one who knows what you truly want and need.

Gotta go shave my toe knuckles and watch the primer on the next door neighbors' house dry ;),

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