Dear Outward Criticism Of Boys,

I've been thinking you over. Mainly what "T" said today (Thanks, T). Turns out, like he felt called out, I felt called out. Yes, T, I fall under the insecure girl category. Yes, I do shitty things. Shitty things like criticize every cute boy because I don't like the thought of being vulnerable, like, ever. Deep down, I actually think it's really endearing when they can't dress to save their life (mandals are a stretch). Deep down, I probably like their gay laugh (like a weasel), weird idiosyncracies (handwriting from hell), silly interests (an odd appreciation for Medieval literature or gardening), or the cheesy stories they tell (about how in college they used to watch Desperate Housewives every Sunday). Am I going to show this? No. Why? Because I'm scared of boys. Is this going to change? Prob not. Am I going to die alone? Likely.

I may or may not project my own criticism on men. Thanks for the wake-up call, Mr.Medium. Maybe I'll rethink writing a blog about the next guy I meet and go easy on the poor bastard.

We Learn Something New About Ourselves Everyday Right?

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