dear c's questionable moral calls made from 11:30 pm on 12-31-07 into the wee hours of the new year,

to quote I.M, "At least I can rest assured that there's probably about 5 million other people who did exactly the same shit last night and are spending the day, like me, wishing for a time machine to go back to yesterday."

prrretty much, girl.

except that i probably wouldn't take it back, even though he was ten years older than me and i was semi-cheating on bestguyfriend, whom i'm not exactly dating yet,(reading that last line makes me hate myself)

because IT WAS HUGE (think back to b's light saber analogy?) and he daaaamn sure knew how to use it. holy cow.

thus, since i don't like myself when i think about that i only-semi-drunkenly had an emotional breakdown in front of said bestguyfriend, who now wants to date me, and ditched my girls in search of peen, which i swore i would never do again,

i'm going to keep thinking about the hot ring-in-the-new-year sexfest with the best endowed rando in probably the whole world.

he-LLO, 2008!


Prams said...

No one does the right thing at all times.. It was one of those moments that you should just pass by, should be thinking of what is next.. and not sit back thinking what did i do..
Whatever happened is for the good,
Whatever is happening is also for the good,
And whatever is going to happen is also for the good!

Anonymous said...

Dear c-

"At least I can rest assured that there's probably about 5 million other people who did exactly the same shit last night and are spending the day, like me, wishing for a time machine to go back to yesterday."

Its Friday and i still feel the same way. Fucking alcohol.
