Okay, you know what, THIS pisses me off. Know why? Because all that bitch did was gyp me out of a a delicious meal the other day because her "new girl" burrito packing skills suck ass. Biggest disappointment of my life. I was really hungry too. If any one deserves a missed connection, it's me, not Miss I-Don't-Know-How-To-Give-You-The-Adequate-Amount-Of- Nutrition-A's-Body-Deserves-And-Needs


Anonymous said...

I think I threw up a little in my mouth after I read the silverback gorilla analogy.

Sick me the fuck out.


Anonymous said...

yeah, double yikes on that one.

what a pervtastic creepazoid...

Anonymous said...

Usually when i go to a burrito shop, i'm more interested in how sexy my burrito is, not the person making it. Obviously, this guy's priorities are messed up.

Just sayin'.
