Dear Speed-dating,

YOU ARE AWESOME! Not only did I have a line of guys waiting to talk to me but I had two of them have a dance off for my number and had a contest going that included three rounds of questions such as "what would you do for our first date" and "how will you convince my brothers not to rip your balls off?" PLUS I actually met at least 4 decent soon to be doctors. I cannot even stress how much I loved it when I was told: "Apparently you are the speed-dating girl, all my friends keep talking about you." Don't even get me started on how many times I got to say, "Guys we don't need to have a 'whose horse is bigger' convo"

I am a cartoon.

BONUS- guy I was kind of seeing who was all over other girl last weekend- yeah well one of his good friends and I really hit it off [insert devil horns]


Anonymous said...

Dear Massie,
Get over yourself.

Anonymous said...

haha. agreed.