Dear Best Friend,

I am so thankful for you. Sure, we are at completely different places in our lives. You are pregnant with your second child, and I am still trying to figure out how people have fun without alcohol. The point is, you say the harshest things to me that anyone has ever said. You are raw and completely honest with me. You call me out constantly. I don't even mind. In fact, I welcome it. Yes, you've said some mean shit to me in the past 8 years, but I feel like you've earned the right. You've been there for me through thick and thin and I can honestly say you never criticize me without my best interest in mind. If I'm acting like a selfish bitch (happens often) you tell me without hesitation. You do it because you love me. You know how I know? Because you hurt with me when I hurt. You cry for me when I cry. That is something very special and not a lot of people have that. You are my person. I don't care that you think my shirt is ugly and make a point of telling me so. I love you and you love me and sometimes I need the honesty. I'm so lucky to have you.



Anonymous said...

Dear I,

I just realized that I may be you. Except I live on the east coast. Whoa.


Anonymous said...

Dear A,

I just realized that I may be you. Except I live on the East coast. Whoa.
