Dear new Japanese dollar store at the mall,

While I am admittedly a fan of your various and sundry sparkly powders and unintentionally hilarious Engrish stationary items, and I even tolerate the phalanx of security and relentless onslaught of perky J-pop tunes from your in-house satellite radio, not even your vast array of soon-to-break cooking gadgets, sushi plates and kitschy Nipponalia (?) can change one simple fact. When you sell a bag of "cola-lemon candy", it should not contain separately packaged lemon and cola candies. Jamming two candies in the mouth to achieve the flavour combination so tantalizingly promised in one candy on the packaging is not only unacceptable and unsightly, frankly, it degrades us all.

Wishing I'd gone for the sparkly powder instead,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

