Dear Birth Control,

I'm excited about being on you (which could actually be applied to many different things/people), but I am a stupid bitch for starting you the week before finals. As if I wouldn't be flipping my shit enough WITHOUT 203478234 extra gallons of estrogen coursing through my bloodstream; I cried myself to sleep 3 nights in a row this week over things like having a messy room and missing Private Practice on Wednesday night. I am emotionally drained and my eyeballs really hate you.

Much love, though, for protecting me from the evils of pregnancy,


Eyes As Windows said...

haha, I'm sorry you couldn't sleep, but it is awfully funny you cried over these things. I too have been there sista.

Anonymous said...

i wish i was back in your situation, i came off the pill a few months ago after being on it for 7 years only to find out that the sensitive, caring, home-making girl i thought i had grown into doesn't actually exist and was just those gallons of extra estrogen ...

glamour girly said...

At least Private Practice was a re-run last week so you didn't miss a new one! I love BC, too. Your blog is great!