Call me a hopeless romantic, but this scene still never gets old.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Notebook Scene Poster,

I fucking love the notebook. Call me a hopeless romantic or a pathetic human. But, I cannot get enough of this movie. I'm gonna fall in love like that someday, and feed 100s of white birds, and make out in the rain, and all that good shit. I was watching this exact clip (youtube is amazing) about a week ago. Shit makes me weak. He's all in love, and she's all in love, and he's not denying it, and she's engaged, but in love with her old dude. Good shit. Goooood shit. Thought I'd share my Notebook love. I heard Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams broke up. Is this true? Cause that's some bullshit!

The Notebook Owns Me,